Napa Community Garden
We have a partnership with the local food bank was established whereby garden members place vegetables from their gardens on a gleaning table and several times a week a volunteer for the food bank comes by to pick up the fresh, organic produce.
We have also established with the City of Napa a water-wise demonstration area by the main entrance to the garden.
Below is a list of folks who helped start the garden, but really, so many people supported the effort it is almost impossible to list them all.
Napa Valley Lutheran Church and Roberta Simcoe
Elizabeth Wroblicka
John Ward and Kelly Matson, Ward Architects, Inc.
Ellen Wulf, Associated Tax and Financial Services
BJ Pheiffer
Carolyn Cromer
City of Napa
Robert Jordan, Buckland Vineyard Management
Hydro-Rain Company
Wyatt Irrigation Supply
Napa County Recycling and Waste Services
Gorilla Tree Service
Dennis Binstock, Binstock Enterprises
Thrivent Financial for Lutherans
Michael Christophel. Garden Art Specialists
Mark Schumacher
DJ’s Growing Place
Miner Family Winery
Annie’s Naturals
Ruth Ancona
Chuck Coker
Yvonne Rasmussen, Master Gardeners
Lori Burns
Cheryl Harris, Audubon Society
Bob Johnson
Jeff Collins
Michael Forte
Lena Septimo
Frances Knapczyk
Wendy Ward
Sandy Elles
Financial Contributors
John and Roberta Simcoe
Napa Community Bank
Husband and Family of Carlleta McIntire
Mackenzie Roorda
Turley Family
Napa Community Foundation
Unitarian Universalists Fellowship of Napa

© 2013-2017 by Napa Community Garden. All rights reserved.